You contemplate the sign for a while and decide to write up a short paper about it. Maybe it could make a good blog post or something. People would "like" it on social media and share it. You snap a photo of it, feeling very satisfied with yourself.\n\nThat night you think about the sign again and wonder if maybe you should have looked at the other side of it, just in case you missed something.
You really didn't like the look of that store. It was the one in town everyone knew about but no one ever seemed to visit, so why was it still in business? It looked just as pristine as it did the first day it opened, almost over ten years ago. Maybe today was the day you would go inside it, at least just to see what they would sell. You have no intention of buying anything, of course.\n\nThe store had gone out of business just last Christmas. Who were you kidding? There was nothing there. The sign was completely arbitrary.
You laugh and smile and shake your head. "Oh yeah, good times," you nod in her direction.\n\nShe leaves you with the celebration treat before walking off and crying. You're not sure what it's about. Oh well.
You stare blankly before continuing on with your day. You think about asking to repeat what was said, but it probably wouldn't be worth it. People would just look at you weirdly. You can't afford to not be wrong about your predictions.
"Wait, that was all you? Mom, why would you do that to me?"\n\nShe looks at you with a blank dread on her face. "I don't know what I did, but I'm sorry. Can we talk about this later?"\n\nMaybe you should talk to your mother more often.
"Hey, it's okay, don't sweat it. I'm sure it's not that big of a deal. We can always get it tomorrow."\n\n"Get what?"\n\nWhat is it that you're not getting here?
You stare at your phone for a few seconds, wondering what the hell just happened. Does your boss know? Do you even know?\n\n"Still there buddy?" the boss asks you. "I'm willing to let you go if you want."\n\nYou go with the flow like you always do. "Sure thing." What did you just agree to?
Scandalous it was, yes, but a beautiful adventure as well. Someone else had followed you in your footsteps and left the same enigmatic warning behind that you had to learn for yourself first hand. It was a kind of private inside joke between all of you, the both of you, connected across time and space, who had partaken in this adventure just over there where your mother told you you weren't supposed to go.\n\nYou remember someone saying that memory was subjective. Maybe yours was too. Did that even happen in the first place, or were you mixing it up with one of your own make-believe stories? But no, it couldn't be...
<<set $name to prompt("What's your name?","my name here")>>\n\nYour name is <<$name>> and you have the gift of prediction. That is, accurate prediction. Whatever you think will happen, will happen. You don't even have to form thoughts of predictions into actual words before they become reality. Most people don't really understand it, and they look at you weirdly. Lately you feel that your gift has been a little "off"... maybe you're not sensing things as well as before? That's what your friends tell you, but you never heard them in the first place.\n\nToday you are having a very... well, something kind of day today.\n\nWhat will that something be?\n\n[[Special]]\n[[Awful]]\n[[Ordinary]]
The Gift of Prediction
Today is a very awful day for you indeed. You missed 10 calls from your boss, you woke up with a headache, and your mother, with whom you have not spoken with nearly as often as you think you should, abruptly cut into one of your phone conversations with said boss with the following words:\n\n"I accidentally <<print either("ate","believed","cared about","described","ejaculated","froze","groaned","hit","imagined","jumped","killed","liberated","married","negotiated","opened","pissed","quit","riddled","stopped","titled","understood","watered","vanquished","yelled","zipped")>> the whole thing!"\n\nWhat was she talking about?\n[[the phone call]]\n[[the ex lover you forgot about from years ago]]\n[[the video game she was supposed to pick up for you but forgot]]\n[[I don't know]]
Today has been a fairly ordinary day for you up to this point. You went about your normal routine, as always. You performed your regular practices. You live a life of comfort and excitement perfectly blended into a custom combination that's just right for <<$name>>.\n\nWhile you run about your daily errands, you come across a sign that reads the following:\n\n"I accidentally <<print either("ate","believed","cared about","described","ejaculated","froze","groaned","hit","imagined","jumped","killed","liberated","married","negotiated","opened","pissed","quit","riddled","stopped","titled","understood","watered","vanquished","yelled","zipped")>> the whole thing!"\n\nWhat is the sign talking about?\n[[the shady store next door]]\n[[the time you screwed up in your childhood and trespassed where you weren't supposed to go]]\n[[a statement about the fleetingness of contemporary art]]\n[[I don't know]]
"Aww thanks!" you say while relieving her of her burden.\n\nShe stares at you blankly. "Why did you just take my baby?"\n\nWhy are you holding a baby?
Today is a very special day. You are being celebrated by all your loved ones and friends for your gift of prediction! A special treat has been prepared for you for this occasion. All hail the omnipotent <<$name>>.\n\nJust then your best friend comes in and tells you the following words:\n\n"I accidentally <<print either("ate","believed","cared about","described","ejaculated","froze","groaned","hit","imagined","jumped","killed","liberated","married","negotiated","opened","pissed","quit","riddled","stopped","titled","understood","watered","vanquished","yelled","zipped")>> the whole thing!"\n\nWhat was she talking about?\n[[the celebration treat]]\n[[that one time when you guys did the one thing together and then that other thing happened and that whole thing was just really weird and you don't know what to think anymore so you just pretend it didn't happen but you still have fond memories of it]]\n[[the secret she told you yesterday but you forgot about it because you were multitasking]]\n[[I don't know]]
"It's okay, I'll talk with you later," you assure her.\n\n"Haha, what? Just dropping off the cake and cookies and soda here. Wanna give me a hand? You don't get off work just because this party's for you," she winks at you.\n\nNow you're just really confused...